This is part one of “where to find Customers”. Click here for part two.
I did 2 seminars at a trade show in Chicago recently and I met so many amazing small business owners. For some reason, it felt like they all had a version of the same question.
“Jane, where do I find more customers? How do I find people who can afford my stuff? My friends and family can’t buy my products. What should I be doing? “
Today’s episode runs through 5 specific ways to get customers using “old school” strategies my clients have used to get paying customers. I give you real-life examples of what other fashion designers and creative entrepreneurs have done to get in front of the “right” people. And by the “right” people, I mean people who fit 3 important criteria:
- They like what you have to offer
- They “get it” and understand the value
- They can afford it
Have a listen…
You can also listen to this episode on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Mentioned in the episode:
- Imperfect Action monthly coaching membership
- Adeline Olmer from French Secrets
- Kleinfelds
- Part two of “Where to Find Customers” is at this link
What do YOU think?
Have you tried any of these 5 strategies? Would you be willing to get a side job just to meet your ideal customers? I’d LOVE to know so leave me a comment below and thanks!
P.S. If you’re serious about marketing your brand and getting more sales, more consistently, you have to check out my monthly business coaching program, “Imperfect Action”. Enrollment is limited so if you want IN, go check it out and get on the list. 🙂