It’s been an incredibly emotional week. Our hearts are breaking.
It’s hard to care much about email marketing or content when the world’s on fire.
So I won’t even try.
Today, I’m just listening.
You can also listen on iTunes. Spotify, and Stitcher
“Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
–Stephen R. Covey
Thanks for being here,
Hi Jane,
Thank you for this. I like the “listening”…
My husband and I were just talking yesterday morning about the best response to last week and he said, “I think us white people need to shut up and listen.”
Thank you.
I agree. Reading and listening to the stories of my black friends and acquaintances in the past few days has been incredibly eye-opening. They have experienced things I can’t even imagine having to go through. ❤️
I am a black woman.
Thank you for veing willing to listen. Next I ask that you take what you hear and get to work advocating for us in white spaces… What does that mean? That means when you are in a room look around for representation. If we are not there ask yourself why.. Ask the leaders why.. Then fight to change the environment to be a place of acceptance.
Vote… Nuff said
Call out racism when you see it. Be aware of your own bias… And when you listen believe us.
Thank you.
Thank you for commenting!! “Advocate for us in white spaces…” This is such a brilliant thing to say. I’m taking this to heart. “Be aware of your own bias, and believe us.”
All of this… I’m taking it all in and thank you so, so much for being honest. It means a lot.