This week, two different entrepreneurs asked me the same question. “What if my next season’s collection doesn’t sell?” And the funny thing is that one of them has been in business for years and is quite successful, and the other one is just starting out.
Yet they’re both worried their product won’t sell next season. It’s amazing how we’re all different yet we all struggle with the same stuff.
There’s always fear in business – heck, in life too. This episode will help you deal with the unique “what if it doesn’t sell” version of that fear.
Have a listen…
You can also listen to this episode on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
What we cover in this episode
- Why it doesn’t matter if it’s your first season or 31st season – we all have the same “crazy-brain” fears sometimes
- How dealing with uncertainty as an established business owner is very different than how you deal with it as a an apparel or jewelry startup
- Jane’s “perfect excuse” for when one season’s sales of her clothing line was down
- Why your wholesale accounts/retail buyers may still order from you after a bad sell-thru season
- Why other business owners just don’t “get it” unless they design and sell their own products
- Jane’s 3-step process to being less emotional and worried about your new collection (it’s all about the math, and that’s a good thing)
Mentioned in this episode:
- Imperfect Action monthly coaching membership
- Sell More Products Online course
- New Designer Program startup course
Your turn! Can you relate? What’s your ONE takeaway? I LOVE hearing from you so please leave me a comment!
Thanks for reading and listening,
P.S. I’m serious, people…If you like this podcast then stop lurking and LEAVE ME A COMMENT! It feeds my soul and makes me want to give you more free stuff. 🙂
Jane! I am a long time lurker, I’m sorry! 🙂 I love everything you put out for us, it is all so incredibly helpful and inspiring and real! I have never met you but I know I love you anyway! Thank you so much for what you do, from business owners everywhere! 🙂 Thank you!!!!!!
Thanks, Brittany! I’m so glad the content is helpful. Thanks for being a listener and thanks for breaking out of your lurking shell today. 🙂 I really appreciate it. -JH
It’s nice to hear that that fear is something everyone has no matter how experienced they are. That’s whats been keeping me from going full out on a clothing line if I’m honest. Thank you for sharing this Jane!
Wow, Sarafina. It’s amazing that you’re aware of it. Now you can deal with it and move ahead!! I literally had a stomachache for almost 2 years of my new business. Not every day, but very often. It was nerves, stress, worry – normal entrepreneurial stuff. Just because it’s normal doesn’t make it easy to deal with though. Ice cream helped. 🙂
Love your podcast Jane. Always so helpful. Thanks!
Thanks, Jade! Your pieces are so beautiful – especially love the Panda friends. ?
That was so helpful. I am in the same spot as the new designer and had so much doubt. Understanding that season 1 isn’t about making money but establishing my customers’ needs takes the pressure off.
Hi Melissa! It’s a huge mindset shift and I’m so glad it resonated with you. 🙂 -JH
Wow Jane! Really great content here. My main take away is the conclusion, where you say our body doesn’t recognize the difference between fear and excitement…So choose excitement! For the first 4 years of my business I was in a constant state of fear about all the things you touched on. I had sleepless nights, what-ifs and crazy-brain. By talking with other designer/entrepreneurs I saw that was not alone. I believe in calculated risk-taking and slow and steady growth but sometimes it just IS a crap-shoot and you gotta do it to get to the next level. So, I’m still doing it…and choosing excitement. Thank you! It’s been a while since we’ve worked together and I’m still benefitting from your private coaching in Chicago!
Choose excitement! Yes. Sometimes it really is a simple as that. Dianne, I love working with you on your VIP day – your work ethic, your spirit, your product…everything. I’m rooting for ya. 🙂
Hi Jane! I have started listening to your podcast and I really enjoy them and appreciate you! I am just starting out with a western shirt business, my first production just completed, now ready to sell and I am panic stricken. Ha! I too got a lot out of your comment on our brains don’t know the difference between fear and excitement. So, thank you for that!!
You’re Awesome!!
Hi Deb! Congratulations on your new business – so fun. I’m rooting for you all the way!
This is an amazing podcast. Very rational and yet inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing your history. This is so helpful because I let my mistakes stop my progress and I quit. Because of you, I was able to get the confidence to get back in the game again. Now…I am ready for whatever happens…and I am enjoying the process. Thank you for your coaching….worth every dime.