Before I start today’s episode, I have news!
ANNOUNCING!!! A BONUS mentoring week for startup apparel companies!! in the New Designer Program for all startup apparel brands.
If you’re thinking of starting an apparel or accessories line (any sewn product), I have a course for that. It’s all online, at your own pace, and you can start immediately, and it’s called the New Designer Program (NDP).
In addition to all the startup blueprint in the New Designer Program, all NDP students get a BONUS MENTORING WEEK. Boom! We’re popping up LIVE in the private Facebook Group to give you extra support and answer all your specific questions.
You get direct access to me, Jane Hamill, for all your specific questions, + recordings of everything if you can’t attend live.
Five days of extra mentoring for NDP students only – directly from Jane Hamill. April 13 – 17, 2020:
- Day 1: Business Planning
- Day 2: Costing and Pricing:
- Day 3: Getting Your Samples Made
- Day 4: Building and Audience Before You Launch
- Day 5: Adapting Your Startup for Uncertain Times
SAVE $300 with code: PIVOT – ends April 13
Sign Up for the New Designer Program Now and Get Started Immediately
Back to today’s podcast…
Some of you feel weird about selling right now. Some of you are telling me it feels inappropriate to sell right now. Some are saying I can’t charge full price. I have to put everything on sale.
None of this is true, no, no, no, no, no.
Now is the time to LEAN IN and bring joy and connection to your audience. To get creative AF.
Like Heidi from Heidi Houston is doing (explained in the episode).
Here’s what I want you to focus on…
You can also listen on iTunes. Spotify, and Stitcher Radio
Show Notes:
- How to Start an Apparel Line New Designer Program, online course: $300 OFF until 4/13 with code PIVOT – includes 5 days of extra LIVE group mentoring with Jane April 13 – 17, 2020.
- Heidi Houston: Instagram, website
- The Monthly Business Coaching Membership for established brands, Imperfect Action Membership
Sending love,
Hi Jane!
I love your no nonsense approach to business and life. I’m wondering if you can help me or can steer me in a good direction.
Last year I bought a small garment printer because I was tired of sending my designs away for a company to print on t-shirts etc and making vey little profit. There are other reasons for taking the plunge, but I won’t get into details here. I finally got my website up, I have fb and IG pages, but I am not making sales ?. I do have my products in a couple of local boutiques. (Of course those are closed for the time being.)
I don’t think the NDP is for me. I’m thinking the membership program is what I need.
Please let me know. I value your opinion.