I did brand-new live training this week, Goals and Planning for Product-Based Businesses. It was a blast. In fact, it was the BEST EVER. I can’t even tell you how thrilled I am with the students’ feedback.
Look, I want to help you scale your business and make a GREAT living. For that reason, I give away some of my best stuff for free. Today’s episode will teach your the top 3 things that helped people the most.
You’re going to learn how to set ONE goal for your business for the next 12 months. That’s it.
The goal you choose will make all the other goals irrelevant or unnecessary.
In my experience, most goal setting trainings don’t work for makers, designers, retail store owners, online sellers or anyone who sells an actual PHYSICAL product.
Here’s why:
- They don’t take into account manufacturing and/or delivering a physical product.
- They’re way too complex – involving so many areas of your life that it becomes overwhelming and confusing.
My mission is for you to have a simple, do-able PLAN for the next 12 months of your business. How great would it be if you knew exactly what you wanted from the business? What would it feel like to know what you should be doing quarterly, monthly, weekly – even daily?
Amazing, right? Listen now and get started…
You can also listen to this episode on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Mentioned in this episode:
- 30 Minutes to Planning Sales – podcast episode
- Goals and Planning for Product-Based Businesses – the full workshop
What about YOU? What’s your main takeaway from this episode? If you’re willing, tell me your ONE outrageous goal? It may sound cray to you now but I guarantee it won’t sound crazy to me.
Leave a comment below and let me know ‘cuz I love hearing from you.
As always, thanks for listening,