I could have called this episode, “How NOT to Blow the Sale at Holiday Markets”.
Or maybe, “The Five Dumbest Things I’ve Ever Said to Lose the Sale at a Craft Show”.
Or maybe even, “Keep Your Mouth Shut, Designer! Or You Risk Losing the Sale”.
I’m pretty sure I’m uniquely qualified to teach you how to blow a sale at a direct-to-consumer selling event, craft fair, art show, retail pop-up…because I’ve said and done the DUMBEST things right in front of potential customers that made them give me a perplexed look and turn on their heel and walk away from my booth.
And then I learned. And kept learning, and kept trying other things to say. And finally figured it out. And then became a BOSS salesperson with money in my pocket.
This episode teaches you what NOT to say so you can end up with a bucket ‘o cash at the end of a show. 🙂
Have a listen…
You can also listen to this episode on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Grab your copy of the Selling Event Checklist
Mentioned in the podcast:
- The complete Workshop, Holiday Market Sales Formula
- Jane’s monthly business coaching program, Imperfect Action
Your Turn! Will you do me a quick favor?
- Are you doing Holiday Markets this season? Let me know in the comments below! I LOVE hearing from you.
- Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher and leave me an honest review. ❤️
Thanks for listening,
P.S. Seriously, people, talk to me! Leave a comment and let’s chat. 🙂
Hi Frances! That is awesome! Such a great show. Have you taken the Holiday Sales Formula Workshop? You’re a member of the coaching program so it’s included in your membership. If you have a chance to review the material, I think it will help you get the most possible sales.
– Jane